Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sur-prize, Sur-prize, Sur-prize!

I have been blessed by not one, not two, but three surprise baby showers in the last month!  Our home group was the first to pull it off and we really didn't have a clue it was coming.  They had a yummy buffet waiting for us and oodles of sweet gifts for our little guy.  I was really impressed that they managed to surprise us, because apparently we're kind of hard to surprise...

The wives of J's business partners were the next to attempt a surprise.  They disguised it as a "let's all get together for a pizza party after work before the guys' big product launch."  See how that was a little bit of a personal conflict for my hubby--the whole party before the launch thing?  He made a stink about how much work they had to do and how little time they had to do it and we didn't have time for parties now, wait until after.  So they had to let him in on the surprise.  When his tune changed so effortlessly, my suspicions went up.  Then I really threw a wrench in the works on the day of the "pizza party" when C came down with a fever.  I let the other wives know I wouldn't be making it and J would just have to bring me some leftovers, so sorry.  Then they had to let me in on the surprise.  Even more sorry!  It turned out to be a really fun evening, though.  The guys all went home with the kids and the ladies got to hang out and compare birth stories over pizza, presents and brownies.  Good times!

While sitting at that shower, I mentioned that my suspicions were now up for any other large gathering of my friends before the baby arrives and oh, isn't it convenient that bunko is tomorrow night?  Sure enough, this month's bunko theme was "Baby!"  More fun with sweet ladies, good food, and loads of gifts.

My dining room table is now overflowing with gifts to put away and my heart is full of the good wishes and fun memories of so many friends who are eager to welcome our son.  Thank you, Lord, for the community you have blessed me with!

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