Tuesday, May 17, 2011

More Robots

After showing the girls the new crib bedding for baby brother, we sat down to make collage robots to help add to the room decor.  This has been such fun for A.  She's asked to make robots almost every day since and probably has a dozen for us to pick from when we get ready to frame them.  Here's a sampling...
Most of the nursery decorating is on hold until C moves out of the crib to the bottom bunk in A's room.  While this is an exciting prospect to her, it's not quite enough to persuade her to give up her room yet.

I recently put the changing pad back on the changing table in her room and moved some toys off the shelves in favor of canvas bins with diapers, wipes, etc.  She was highly offended that baby brother's stuff was encroaching on hers.  Fortunately, I had two bins left with nothing in them and offered them to her to put anything she wanted in.  That soothed the insult and she filled them with baby dolls and stuffed animals.

I know she will be more willing to give up her crib once brother is actually here and the need is more tangible.  She is so over-the-moon about babies that she'll probably give up her crib the first day he is home.  No need to push the the issue now.  I promise to post pics of the robot nursery make-over as soon as she lets me do it.

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