Thursday, December 30, 2010

Don't Breathe

Okay, everybody hold your breath, don't move a muscle, and don't read this out loud....we may jinx 4-year-old is playing by herself, in her room, with the door closed, of her own free will.  She's been in there at least ten minutes and I may have just ruined it by turning to my laptop, but I'm looovving it while it lasts!!  Praise God for new toys!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas to All!

I'm sure that one is the cause of the other, but I'm grateful that technology has enabled me to keep in touch with loved ones despite the rising cost of postage.  Sometimes I wax nostalgic about handwritten notes and cards, especially when I see beautiful stationary.  But for the most part, I really do enjoy the quick and expansive delivery offered by technology.  Hence, the annual Christmas letter has gone the way of a blog post for better or worse.

We kicked off 2010 with a one-year birthday party for C, and shortly thereafter, her much-needed first haircut.  J was putting in some intense research hours towards his phD in Computer Science through the spring semester as well as launching a new social/mobility development shop to pay the bills.  God provided abundantly more than we could ask or imagine when an independent investor took interest in their idea and generously funded the project for the next year.  

March was a big month as we experienced the first major surgery for one of our children.  A's surgery to correct both trigger thumbs went well and we rarely think about it anymore.  We had a fun, busy summer with softball for dad, swimming lessons for A, sledding (yes, in the summer), a princess birthday party for A, Rome-themed VBS, and the usual smattering of family visits and friendly dinners.  With the milestone of birthday #4, we also said goodbye to thumb-sucking.  

I spent a lot of time in the summer researching and planning for our first year of homeschool that kicked off in the fall.  We're taking some time off for Christmas now, and I'm looking forward to a fresh start in January.  With the new school year, came other new responsibilities.  J and I joined the leadership team for our class at church and also launched a new home group.  I continue to coordinate playgroups once a week for our class.  We've been blessed with growing friendships through our church community and count it a privilege to serve among them.

A started ballet lessons this fall.  Her favorite part is the lollipop at the end of each class if she listens well.  C attempted potty-training, but we'll hope to report more success with that in the new year.  We said good-bye to our first family pet; and fixed our first major gas leak (completely unrelated to the fish's death).

We were blessed with our third pregnancy in October and look forward to baby #3 arriving in early June.  The big ultrasound will be in early February, so check back for news of the gender.  With the end of my first trimester, I'm enjoying more good days than gross days.  It's time to break out the maternity wardrobe and show off the bump.

What a mighty God we serve!  Abundant in love and faithfulness!  I am grateful for so many blessings, including a slow week before Christmas with time for blogging.  How fun to look back on my year's posts and relive His goodness.  Thanks for indulging me.  May your Christmas week be calm, reflective, full of love and cheer.  May we all celebrate the coming of our King with praise overflowing and eager anticipation of His return.  Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why don't they tell you?

Lots of sources will tell you how much it costs to have a baby and raise that baby.  But nobody ever tells you how to budget for pregnancy.  Of course, there's the doctor bills and related medical expenses.  But I'm talking about the stuff that sneaks up on you.

Your grocery budget is blown because things sound good in the store but then repulse you when you get home.  Or, you feel nauseous and can't cook what you planned to cook so your menu plan goes out the window and you've got to go to the store yet again.  Or, you buy lots of expensive, pre-packaged foods to have on hand for days when you don't feel good.  Or--the more likely scenario--you call your husband and ask him to bring supper home which plays havoc with your discretionary funds.  And for some reason, none of the cheap restaurants sound good.  No, you're going to crave Outback and Carino's without fail.  

And what about all the latest remedies you try to make your tummy feel better?  Not free.  Or the assortment of prenatal vitamins you go through to find one that doesn't turn your stomach.

Then there's the utility bill.  Nobody tells you that your a/c bill is going to go through the roof in February because you already feel like the house is a sauna.  Better double your utility budget during pregnancy.

There might also be a few other incidental late fees or fines you have to pay because you can't remember what day of the week it is, much less when the library books or movies are due.  Maybe.  

None of this is escapable or avoidable.  You can try to plan ahead, but sometimes your body is going to dictate how the day goes.  You either pay with your wallet or your comfort.  I generally err on the side of feeling good and figuring out how to pay for it later.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Week in Review

Last week was a whirlwind around here.  I think everybody got together and decided that all Christmas social events should be completed before the middle of December, so they are all getting crammed into two weeks instead of three or four.

Monday is always our do-nothing day.  We stay home, do laundry, and recuperate from the weekend.  Last Monday I helped the girls make Christmas ornaments and sugar cookies.  The ornaments went pretty well. My only note to self is way to go on choosing plastic ornaments to paint, but keep in mind that wet paint on a plastic ball bouncing across your kitchen tile will make a widespread mess.

Tuesday was a mad run to the grocery store before ballet because my first attempt at a cookie recipe didn't work.  The second attempt turned out great and I took them to the ladies' cookie exchange for our Sunday School class that night.

Wednesday morning I attempted to take both girls to the dentist for routine check-ups.  We have new insurance so I had to pick a new office.  I chose poorly.  There were at least two dozen families in the waiting room and even though we had an appointment, I was told we would be waiting about an hour to be seen.  No, thank you.  I cut my losses and cancelled the appointment.

Wednesday afternoon, J graciously came home early so I could catch up on computer work...things like paying bills, reconciling accounts and ordering Christmas cards that really require a modicum of concentration.  He took the girls Christmas shopping for me and each other.  Can't wait to see what they got.

Thursday I dropped the girls off at a friend's house and headed out of town to visit a friend who just gave birth to premie twins.  Three hours in the car by myself is luxury, I tell you.  I got to listen to several podcasts from our previous church and spend some good time talking to God.  Also had a good, if quick, visit with the new mom.

Thursday evening we had a Christmas party for the band of hooligans that offices with J.  I'm so grateful that he is working with friends, enjoying what he is doing, and getting paid to do it with someone else's money.  We all enjoyed dinner together, corralled the kids and exchanged gifts.

Friday morning, I met our playgroup at a local retirement home to deliver Christmas cards the kids had made the week before and sing a couple of carols.  This was a first for me with my kids and I was thrilled with how well it went.  I was especially proud of A, who persisted in engaging several of the residents in conversation.  She did a great job asking and answering questions, giving me hope of doing something similar on a more regular basis.

Friday night I had bunko and I was so sad that my stomach was not cooperating.  I'd been feeling great and loving that my first trimester gross was mostly behind me.  Not so on bunko night.  I had to forego the usual yummy feast for a crustless pb&j.  How sad is that?!  I'm sure I'll make up for it next month.

Saturday morning, I made a couple of batches of edible treats to give away to friends before we all took off for the WalMart.  We were pushing lunchtime by the time we got done shopping, so we sat down at the Subway to have sandwiches.  Can I just say that is a people-watcher's paradise?!  Oh the things you can see from the WalMart Subway.

After naps on Saturday, we enjoyed an open house at a friend's home.  I like that Christmas is a good time to see faces that we don't see very often, meet new people, and keep up with existing friends.  Especially when it is at someone else's house.  After the open house, I paid J back for his earlier favor of time and he took off to go do some Christmas shopping on his own and go to a poker tournament with the men of our Sunday School class.  I came home, made some cookies, bathed the girls, and put them in front of a Christmas movie with a bucket of popcorn for supper.  I think popcorn for supper raised my cool-quotient a few points in A's eyes.

We made it to church on Sunday, took naps, then said bye to J so he could drive a spare car to the new mom who's going to be living near her babies' hospital for a few months.  He got back home just in time for our own open house that we invited our neighbors to.

Needless to say, we all slept good Sunday night!  This week is proving to be much slower, thank goodness.  C threw in an ear infection to keep things interesting, but we're going to enjoy a break from regular activities and make sure we're ready for next week.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

For the Kingdom

I follow several mommy blogs.  Some are friends, some are strangers.  Some are hilarious, some are profound.  Some are daily life, some advocate causes.  They all make me think, take me outside my own kitchen to other lives.  They shift my perspective and enlarge my tunnel vision.

I read non-fiction books.  Be-a-better-mommy books, be-a-better-wife books, know-your-Savior-better books.  Again, they broaden my perspective and take me out to a bigger world, an eternal world.

I hear great testimonies of how God is working in the hearts of those I love and those I didn't know existed.  My heart is stirred to desire bigger, bolder, more eternal goals.

My prayers are following this path.  What do You want me to do for Your eternal kingdom?  I know You don't need me to accomplish Your purposes, yet You take delight in allowing me to "help" You.  How can I help?  What cause would You have me champion?  What need do You want me to meet?  How can my little family be part of the eternal story You are weaving?  Are we doing it now... discipling our children and building relationships with others?  Are you preparing us for something else?  Did we hear You wrong along the way?  Have my ears gone numb to Your voice?  What more, Lord, do You have for me?  How can I be about Your eternal agenda?  Your kingdom come.