Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why don't they tell you?

Lots of sources will tell you how much it costs to have a baby and raise that baby.  But nobody ever tells you how to budget for pregnancy.  Of course, there's the doctor bills and related medical expenses.  But I'm talking about the stuff that sneaks up on you.

Your grocery budget is blown because things sound good in the store but then repulse you when you get home.  Or, you feel nauseous and can't cook what you planned to cook so your menu plan goes out the window and you've got to go to the store yet again.  Or, you buy lots of expensive, pre-packaged foods to have on hand for days when you don't feel good.  Or--the more likely scenario--you call your husband and ask him to bring supper home which plays havoc with your discretionary funds.  And for some reason, none of the cheap restaurants sound good.  No, you're going to crave Outback and Carino's without fail.  

And what about all the latest remedies you try to make your tummy feel better?  Not free.  Or the assortment of prenatal vitamins you go through to find one that doesn't turn your stomach.

Then there's the utility bill.  Nobody tells you that your a/c bill is going to go through the roof in February because you already feel like the house is a sauna.  Better double your utility budget during pregnancy.

There might also be a few other incidental late fees or fines you have to pay because you can't remember what day of the week it is, much less when the library books or movies are due.  Maybe.  

None of this is escapable or avoidable.  You can try to plan ahead, but sometimes your body is going to dictate how the day goes.  You either pay with your wallet or your comfort.  I generally err on the side of feeling good and figuring out how to pay for it later.

1 comment:

tpot said...

Three cheers for pregnancy! That was well said! And CONGRATULATIONS!!!! by the way.