Friday, May 20, 2011

New Seeds Album

If you still haven't checked out the Seeds Family Worship music, you really need to give it a go.  It's my favorite kids' music by far and I love that it embeds scripture straight into my head.  Of all the nefarious tunes my children hear throughout the day and repeat over and over and over again, at least some of it is scripture set to awesome music.

They have released a new cd called Seeds of Character and extended my coupon code for a few months so we could get 20% off the new cd or any of their previous cds.  (I don't think the coupon code can be used on clearance items.)  Don't forget that when you buy a cd, you will actually get two copies--one to keep and one to give away.  Click over to their store and use coupon code SKELLEY.

No, I don't get any kickbacks or free stuff for plugging their music.


Jenny said...

Hey...I just tried to buy ome and it said coupon code had expired? Let me know if you get it fixed, I really would like to get some but you know a coupon really seals the deal for me :)

Sarah said...

Thanks for letting me know. I'll check with them and see what's up. Will let you know!