Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ballet Recital

The big recital was last Saturday and it went really well.  There was an element of "pageant mom" that seemed to creep into my head despite knowing that the performance was no big deal.  I think the large group of mommies backstage sort of fed off each other and upped the level of nerves as we sprayed hairspray at our little stars.

The highlight was definitely watching A do her tap dance.  She was having so much fun!  She was looking back and forth at the little friends on either side of her and just smiling with a big, open grin.  She loved it!  When it was all over, she asked if we could do ballet again, but just another recital.  I think the idea of a whole year's worth of lessons for that one moment is a little overwhelming for both of us.

I tried to film her rehearsal performance to share with you, but my camera and the stage lights did not get along at all.  All I got was a line of little white bouncing blurs; very disappointing.  Fortunately, a friend backstage with a better camera caught a little bit of diva...
 and a lot of delight...

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