Thursday, May 26, 2011

Enough About Me

I have been very neglectful of late to talk about my amazing husband.  While I've been whining about the woes of pregnancy, he has been laboring on the birth of an exciting new brainchild of his start-up company, Collective Labs.  They launched at the beginning of this week to rave reviews at a technology conference in New York.  Of course, he did not go with his partners to said conference because it was in New York and his very pregnant wife was not.  He stayed behind to babysit servers and sit in the quiet office watching a live stream of the conference.  If you know J at all, you know that he lights up at those conferences, rubbing elbows with other techies and comparing notes on the best way to do things.  It is no small thing that he stayed home with me.  Thank you, babe.

So what is snoball?  I've been asked this several times and the best way I can explain it is to say that it is a social giving site.  You can create "rules" for giving to your favorite charity and snoball will manage the giving for you.  For example, I could create a rule that says, "Every time I eat at xyz restaurant, donate $1.00 to the local crisis pregnancy center."  I can link to my facebook and twitter accounts, so my friends can see my rules and join the giving, too.  Rules can be based on anything....personal spending habits, sports scores, places you go, etc.  If you go to the site and watch the video, it explains it much better than I can.

To be honest, the whole thing totally overwhelms me.  When I think about all the contingencies that go into creating the rules, it makes my head spin.  But it's an incredible testament to the genius of my husband and the guys he is blessed to worked with.

Next month, they pitch another genius idea,, at yet another conference.  This is a web-based document management tool that also overwhelms me because of its scope.  But so many people who hear about it are so excited about it, that I know they're on to something.

Owning your own business is a scary endeavor, but it's an exciting kind of scary, like a roller coaster that makes you want to lose your lunch but that you can't resist getting in line for again.  J is loving every minute of it and that smooths the ride for me.  I love that he loves his job and can't wait to see what's around the next curve.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I'm so excited for all of y'all. I love that idea!