Friday, May 27, 2011

A Magical Childhood

I found a new blog that I'm in love with called A Magical Childhood.  This lady excels at my deepest  Every Monday she posts "10 Ways to Make Today Magical."  Ten new ideas, every week.  Ten.  Every week, y'all.  I don't have that kind of magic in my pinky nail.  And they are ideas that I can actually see myself doing.  Well, at least, when I'm not big pregnant.  Granted some are beyond my comfort zone, but there are plenty to choose from!!  It's so inspiring!

Since I feel prepared for baby to arrive, I've been trying to make life less horrible for my daughters.  Pregnancy has not been easy on them.  Lots of angry, tired, achy mommy does not promote a magical childhood.  So I've been trying to say "yes" more often than "no" in the last week or so and really evaluate if I can do what they are asking or if I'm just saying no because I'd rather lie on the couch and eat ice cream.

Tuesday afternoon, I tried my hand at a little magic.  I told them I had a few chores to do and if they helped, we might get done in time to do something fun together before supper.  They cheerfully pitched in to fold the laundry and occupied themselves while I did some filing.  So I told them to put on their swimsuits and head to the backyard.  They were very surprised when I walked out in my swimsuit as well!  My sister had suggested I sit in a patio chair and let them spray me with the hose and there really wasn't a good reason not to.  We had a good time taking turns squirting each other, holding the hose on the slide, running in the sprinkler.  Letting them soak me with the hose was about the only way I would play outside with them in this heat. And I was only out there about 45 minutes before coming in to finish dinner plans.  That was just long enough for J to get home and wonder what he had missed out on.  I'm glad someone else witnessed the event, because I wasn't going to break out the camera while wearing a maternity swimsuit.  No amount of magic can salvage that mental image.

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