Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Loving 3!

I am loving my 3-year-old! I was really worried about 3, because I've heard lots of moms say that "3 is the new terrible-2's." But so far, that has not been my experience with A. Now, another wise mommy recently shared that the first few months of 3 were blissful for her and then around 3 1/2, her angel grew horns and started spitting fire. So I'm going to enjoy 3 as long as I can! Here's why:
  1. Playing by herself, playing by herself, playing by herself!
  2. Potty by herself, potty by herself, potty by herself!
  3. Still taking an afternoon nap
  4. Able to play with other little friends without direct supervision
  5. Enough experience with discipline that the rules don't need explaining
  6. Wants to help fold the washrags and rinse the dishes! Hel-lo...need I say more?!
  7. Helps her baby sister and rejoices over new things she can do
  8. Unbelievable, imaginative stories
  9. Finally get to do the fun crafty stuff because she doesn't mind (terribly) if she gets messy
  10. Refer to #1-3.

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