Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bible and Rhyme

I'm trying a preschool curriculum with A this year and I have to say that I am loving it! I can't read her mind yet, but I think she's enjoying it too. I found it online at Hubbard's Cupboard, a site that I can't say enough about. It's chock full of great Bible-based resources for preschoolers. All free, just print it out and use it. We're trying not to be too rigid with schedules or goals, just throwing in a story or craft as the day allows. All the homeschoolers I know would be so proud...we're only one week into it and already behind. We've been talking about creation for the last week or so and practicing writing numbers to go along with each day. Writing numbers in chocolate pudding is apparently condoned by the neatnik 3-year-old; however, writing in shaving cream is absolutely unacceptable. Profound question posed this week: "Mommy, where are Adam and Eve now?" Just color the trees, honey, color the trees.

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