Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Big Girl Bed

Because we don't have anything else going on around here, we decided to transition C to a big girl bed.  It actually made sense to do it before the move, because we wouldn't have kept her in a crib in a new place.  This way she has the chance to get used to it in a familiar place and moving to a new house won't also include moving to a new bed.

We all picked a day on the calendar to try it and that was last Friday.  Turns out that was the day our house went on the market.  It wasn't a crazy day at all.

We stuck to our planned day and she's done great.  She's sharing the bunk bed with A, so we've had the expected trouble with talking too much before going to sleep and waking each other up too early.  I'm really hopeful those things will settle down over time as it becomes more routine.  If not, we'll have to come up with a new strategy or two to make sure they are each getting enough rest.  Never a dull moment!

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