Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Thought That Started it All

I've been blogging for two years this month.  I can't believe that.  I looked back at my first post to see when it was--August 26, 2009.  How 'bout that?!

I remember the thought that drove me to blogging and I've never even blogged about it until today.  I was sitting in church behind some young ladies who had different standards of appropriate church attire than I did.  My feathers were ruffled by their immodesty on behalf of my daughters who look up to them and my husband who was stuck trying not to look at them for an hour.  But what to do about it?  I'm not looking to crack knuckles with legalistic dress codes, but I still felt like something needed to be said.  So I thought a blog post on the topic would solve the problem.  Ha!  By the time I finished typing my rant, I knew it was best to delete it.

Praise the Lord I held my tongue!  Because Stacy McDonald over at Your Sacred Calling said it so much better and with more love and grace than I ever could.  Women and men alike, for the sake of the gospel, please go read her loving charge calling us to sharpen each other as iron sharpens iron. And if you should ever see me wearing something that makes you want to cover your daughters' eyes or give your husband a blindfold, please call me on it.

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