Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm A Happy Woman

You have to sing that title like you're Whitney Houston..."I'm a happy wo-man; saved and set free!"  Okay, so I'm no song writer, but I have felt like singing today.  No matter how horrible a day I may be having, it never ceases to correct my attitude to remind myself that I am NOT pregnant!  Instant mood lifter.

God answered our prayers for a buyer for our house and our prayers for rain...

I convinced the girls to go puddle jumping and it started raining on them.  It was so novel that C picked up the hose and told me she was going to make the rain stop.  I had to explain the rain was not coming out of the hose, but out of the clouds, and we didn't want it to stop.  They played for almost an hour in the new wonderland that was a wet, muddy backyard.  And at high noon, no less.  It was cool enough for them to be outside at high noon!!  Thank you, God!

We had a great day of school today, too!  We just might finish week one's material in two weeks!  That's a victory right now.

And my children are being sweet to each other...
Can you find Z in the middle of all that attention?  As I type this post, he's laughing in his bouncy seat.  I think he lost his thumb again because the cat naps have returned.  Nevertheless...

We've got happy all over this house and I'm soaking it up again.  Between last week's sweet spot and today, there've been a few bumps in the road not worth dwelling on.  Gotta sing out loud when the joy bubbles over so you remember the words when you really need them (even if the song writer is lousy).

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