Saturday, July 30, 2011

Marching Orders

My husband came home a couple of months ago and introduced the idea that the business he's been working on with three of our friends might someday need to move to Austin.  "Just want you to keep that on your radar," he said.  "Maybe by next spring," he said.

I've known this man for almost 18 years.  I've learned to filter out remote possibilities and not freak out until he's really ready to pull the trigger.  Fast forward to the beginning of July when he comes home and says, "We need to move by the end of the summer."  Time to FREAK OUT!

By the end of that conversation, he had softened the blow to moving sometime this fall because his wife just kept stammering, "That is not possible.  You realize that is not humanly possible."  I may not have been the best cheerleader for my husband that night.  Sorry, babe.

It's taken me so long to write this post, that most of you know by now that we are moving and hope to be settled in our new home and office location by the beginning of October.  That's in two months! While I'm excited about going back to the area and people we left three years ago, this has definitely been an abrupt interruption of my little world.  I have frequently been reminded that "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. (Prov 19:21)"

I had plans for kindergarten all laid out and set up in my dining room...never mind.  I had plans for a great co-op for A this fall...not to be.  I have relationships that seem like they are just starting to normalize....shake 'em up.

On the other side of this is  I'm super excited about the momentum this idea has!  If you haven't gone and explored the site, please take a few minutes to do that.  This thing is going to be big and you'll want to say you were there in the beginning.  The four men behind the idea are incredibly talented and smart.  They have investors chomping at the bit to get in on the action.  The only thing holding them back is their own physical limit for working....they need more manpower.  Which is the main reason for the move.  They've been unable to find local developers who are ready to hit the ground running and they can't convince any to move here.  So J will be focused on finding a new office and hiring a small army in the next few months.

In my panicked, overwhelmed-with-all-the-details moments, I ask the impertinent question, "Why, God?" He has been gracious, merciful and loving in His abundant way and provided me with an answer.  Back when I was reading this book, I prayed for an adventure.  I asked God what adventure He had for J and I to go on for His glory and our good.  And I prayed that He would show me where I fit in His eternal agenda and how I could glorify Him with what He had blessed me with.  As Bill Engvall would say,'s yer sign.  "You asked for it, Sarah; here ya adventure for the kingdom coming up.  Will you win the battles for My glory? Or will you whine and whimper in the foxholes?"

Can I just say how amazing it is to link back to so many posts over the last year that chronicle God's hand in preparing me for this?  What a mighty God we serve!

So here we go.  Back to back, tools and weapons ready, into the fray of a grand adventure.  Wherever it leads, may it strengthen our marriage, grow our children's faith and bring glory to God, the King of Kings and Lord of Hosts.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

We are going to miss you like crazy round here. I'm excited for your adventure though and I hope that I can be one of those people who keeps up friendships even when people move away...I'm turning over a new leaf for you! :)