Thursday, April 22, 2010

Well, I Never!

I'm so ashamed. My sweet neighbor had to bring the following monstrosity to my attention.
I'm referring to the weed, not the child about to be eaten by the weed. For some perspective, J's boat is 4 feet wide and the shadow at the top of the pic is from our eaves!! Have you ever seen a weed that big?! My neighbor really was so sweet about it. Poor friend had to look out her kitchen window at that for how long? Patience of Job, I tell ya.

The bad news is that was the mother weed. It was not alone.
That's the other side of the house. And this was the back:

You feel better now about your lawn, don't you? The good news is that these pics were taken almost a month ago, the day before six students showed up to help rescue us from our land of woe for The Big Event. They worked about three and a half hours and pulled most of the weeds, raked all the leaves in the front yard, and painted a bench in the back yard. Hooray for free labor!

It looks much better now, I promise. You'll just have to take my word for it because it took me this long to get the pics up that I already had; I'm not waiting to post them for another month while I procrastinate on taking "after" pics.

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