Monday, August 27, 2012

Isn't it Ironic?

Last winter/spring, we were sick a lot.  Every week, one of us had some kind of symptom that kept us from being wholly well.  I started thinking this summer about things we could do to avoid a repeat of that season.  I'm sure some of it is due to moving and adjusting to a new environment with new contagions and allergens.  Some of it is due to having a baby who put everything in his mouth and is too young to take most kinds of medicine.

But I thought it couldn't hurt to try to beef up our immune systems going into the fall/winter.  I researched supplements and started the kids on probiotics, along with a vitamin c/zinc combo.  I've even gotten J to succumb to the supplement slippery slope.  

I started hearing Alanis Morrisette singing in my ear on Friday, though, as I realized none of the above protected us from getting lice exactly one week after starting all my get-healthy endeavors.  Isn't it ironic?  Don't you think?

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Its like raaaaaiiiin on your wedding day...Thanks Sarah, now my head itches and I've got that song stuck in my head! Hope the creepy crawlies are gone!