Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Busy Thanks

Just so you know, this is what our week looks like:

  • Sunday - church; signed up to volunteer in children's ministry each week; spent afternoon reclaiming house from atomic toy bomb that exploded during parent's weekend project (see below)
  • Monday - first day of Kelley Academy (another post); just the fun stuff along with an orientation to our materials and expectations; library run
  • Monday evening - orientation meeting for student exchange program (another post)
  • Tuesday - more fun back-to-school stuff; our slow day this week
  • Wednesday - meet and greet for A's one-day co-op program
  • Thursday - first day of actual curriculum for school; church volunteer training in the evening; pick up exchange student at airport 
  • Friday - school, and help the newest addition to our family get acclimated and rested and ready for her first day of school in a new country next Monday
Somewhere in there we need to repaint our living room, because we had a total paint debacle last Saturday and ended up with a giraffe print on our walls.  That may be an exaggeration, but we certainly can't leave it with the two-tone polka dots we inadvertently created between three cans of what was supposed to be same color of paint.

Oh, and in the background, I'm co-organizing my biannual family reunion for the first week of October; trying to figure out where we're going to do Awanas this year, and what class I want to help with that.  I'm hosting bunko in two weeks.  My parents are moving into our neighborhood the week after that, and we are thrilled to be helping with that transition.  I'm sure there are other things I'm forgetting, but God always brings them back to mind before it costs too much.

I think I might be certifiable, but instead I'm really excited about what's going on in our world this fall.  I'm excited about school, I feel ready and able to serve in ministries that I've been taking advantage of, we're going to broaden our cultural horizons at our own dinner table, the kids are at fun ages, Grandma and Grandpa are comin' to town!  We're in a really good place.  

Yes, there are stressful things going on, and the swirl of activity might make me a not-nice mommy every now and then, but Colossians 3:15 is vibrating underneath it all and I am thankful.  So thankful.

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