Saturday, June 5, 2010

Still Here

Never fear, we're still here. I've been absent from blogging for a few weeks, through no particular effort of my own. I guess that's the effort = no blog posts. I knew it had been awhile since I wrote a post when my neighbor called to check and make sure we were okay. Have I mentioned we have great neighbors? She said her granddaughter follows the blog and hadn't seen a post in a couple of weeks and now that we can park the car in the garage, it's hard to tell when we're coming or going. So she called to make sure all was well. (Thanks for looking out for us, O family.)

I remember when we first moved here and J was traveling so much, I was so lonely. I told him once that every time I came in the door I hoped someone had left a message or sent an email, someone to notice that I was here or not here, to see that I existed and mattered. I'm so very grateful to be growing relationships with my neighbors and friends, and to know that they are looking out for us and thinking about us.

Last weekend, my incredible hubby watched the girls for two nights (!!!!) while I stole away with my mom, sister, and sister-in-law for a girls' weekend away. We had a great time; saw a movie, did some window shopping, ate yummy food, did lots of talking. Pictures were taken, but they won't be posted here.

While I was gone, J was Super-Fun Daddy. He took the girls to the splashpad, over to friends' for supper, even threw a birthday party for A's teddy bear including homemade cupcakes, homemade pizza and at least two dozen balloons. And he had most of it cleaned up by the time I got home. Did I mention he's amazing?!

The weekend before last, we were out of town for my niece's birthday party. Lots of fun with family. I'm so grateful that my girls have little cousins their age to grow up with.

Somewhere in there, J started playing softball with a team from our church. He's also trying to wrap up a few final client projects at work so that he can move forward with the idea that has been funded.

See? We're still here, doing our usual thing. Not much new, just hotter. I'll try to pick up the pace a bit on posts, though, so as not to cause any further alarm. Perhaps I'll work on another right now.

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