I confess that I cannot achieve the level of blog posts I aspire to. Every time I want to sit down to write, my brain begs for downtime if no one else is begging for a piece of me. But I'd still like to blog. So I'm taking a cue from Missy over
It's Almost Naptime and attempting shorter posts. (I don't know Missy, but I'd like to. And I'm not even going to pretend that my plate runneth over like hers does right now.)
Today, A went to her one-day enrichment co-op that we like to call "Wednesday school." She has classes in art, Spanish, P.E., drama, character building, and music. It's good exposure to classroom behavior and learning from someone other than mom.
While she's away, I try to have some preschool time at the house, though it is so hard to resist plugging them into a screen so I can accomplish something that appears more productive. We compromised today. I de-cluttered the living room while they scattered rice in my kitchen.
When A got home, we turned right around for our first return-to-gymnastics class. The girls really enjoyed gymnastics last spring, but we chose to drop when money got tight. When we got the wiggle room in the budget again, the girls were eager to go back. C couldn't stop hopping through the whole class. She stayed where she was supposed to and got nice comments about good listening, but she was so excited she could not be still.
Z's got a little tummy bug that made last night interesting. I'm praying it's short-lived and contained to one host.
That's us. How are you?