Sunday, June 17, 2012

First Haircut

He was overdue.  Just like C on her first birthday, Z was a mop-top cutie.
I summoned up my courage and decided to tackle the first cut myself.  After a good nap to recover from his birthday party, I put him in his chair to contain at least two limbs and gave him a snack, hoping it would occupy the other two.
That worked for half of his head.  Then he started grabbing for the scissors, flailing and arching his back, and generally protesting in every possible way.  I was really hoping to get it all done at once so we only had one mess to clean up, but we called it "part one" success.

I tried again at bath time, thinking I could finish up in a dry bathtub while he played with a trickle of water.  Even better, he climbed up the step stool to C's sink and played with the water there.  (And figured out how to turn the faucets on.)  His head was bent down so I could even out his neck line and he was fully captivated by the water, so I could trim up the remaining stranglers.

Ta da...
 Isn't he handsome?
Such a silly cutie!
We call this move, "using the force."  He likes to do this at mealtimes and giggles when we copy him.  He's using the force here to get mommy to put down her camera and hand over the food.  I think his Jedi skills improved with the haircut.

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