Sunday, March 11, 2012

Can Your Husband Do This?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.  My husband is a genius!  Look what he made me to solve my laundry room dilemma...
Okay, so it's hard to communicate in a photo.  It's a pulley system for a clothes rod.  It's not a new idea, but I was super impressed that he figured out how to do it in our space and got it rigged up in one afternoon.  He loved being able to use his experience with sailboat rigging and play with pulleys and knots.  He even designed it so that the rigging is inconspicuous.  I take the ring off the hook behind the door to lower the rod and hang my wet clothes, then pull the rope to make the rod go back up.  The clothes are out of the way and dry faster up there.  My man's a genius!

1 comment:

Lori B. said...

I have seen this in person and it really is super awesome peoples! The man is really a smarty.