Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Z broke out with a high fever Sunday afternoon.  I assumed it was an ear infection related to his two new teeth.  Can you see how swollen those top gums are?  So pitiful.
I took him to the doctor yesterday and learned it was not his ears, but a virus.  Great.  He was contagious in the 24-48 hours prior to symptoms.  That means Friday and Saturday, the only days we left the house and had contact with other people.  I had to call all those friends and let them know why they were feeling sick.

Want to know the interesting part?  (Because I know this post is already fascinating.)  The same virus in adults has two symptoms....general fatigue and the worst headache you've ever had.  When the pediatrician said that, I knew exactly where Z had gotten it.  Daddy.  J came home from work last week complaining of a terrible headache.  He went to bed and slept for 20 hours.  I sent him to the doctor thinking it was the flu.  He was diagnosed with a sinus infection and given antibiotics.  Now we know.

We'll be staying in our four walls for the rest of the week, praying no one else starts showing symptoms.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

praying! and he is getting so big, I definitely have seen y'all in too long!