Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Six Months

Dear Z,
You're six months old already.  I'm so very glad God gave me a baby #3.  I can honestly say that it's going too fast, that I'd like you to stay this age a little longer so I can get a few more months of the cuteness that you are.  My first two babies were precious, but I was a smidge too uptight to fully enjoy this stage.  This time around, our circumstances are crazy and stealing my time.  Here you are at six months.  And here is what I have recorded in my mind's camera to cling to...

You squeal in your bed when you hear me come in the room in the morning.  "Good morning to you, too, Z,"  I say.  I try to find a quiet place to keep your attention focused while you have your breakfast.  You take a long swallow and throw your head back to look at me with a big grin, just like you have since you were a newborn.  "You're welcome, Z, " I say.  You squeal in delight when your sisters race into the room and squeeze you.  You love those girls so much.  I remind them to back up out of your face and not go too fast, but I don't think you mind at all.  It won't be long before you're racing and wrestling with them.
You're a mama's boy right now and I don't mind.  Daddy can't compete.  Sometimes you rub it in Daddy's face and that's not nice.  Like when you were playing "Eskimo kisses" with me and kept looking at Daddy between each one just to let him know who had Mommy all to himself.  That won't be so cute next year.
You're a great eater and put away every ounce of food I give you.  You have yet to turn away from any veggie or fruit.  You seem ready for cheerios but I know it's too early and I don't want to rush you.  You were almost 18 lbs. at your six-month well-check, hanging out in the 50th percentile.  You grew right past your 6-9 month clothes and went straight for the 9-month ones.  You started sitting up by yourself last week and you've been rocking back and forth on your knees for awhile now.  You love your johnny jump-up and can get some pretty good air when you get going.
I love the way you snuggle into my shoulder and have no need to wiggle or squirm, just recharging for moments at a time before turning around to take in the world again.  You're watching everything that goes on, studying.  I can see it in your eyes.  The toys on your walker tray are not fooling you; you're looking at the countertop to see what's up there, or trying to figure out how the tablecloth works, or dragging the trash can around the kitchen.  Yes, now is the time to soak in all your cuteness because you're going to be t-r-o-u-b-l-e very, very soon.

I love the way you squish into a little ball when I put you in your bed.  It makes me want to go to sleep myself, you look so snug and comfy.  Thank you for sleeping through the night from so early on, and being a good napper when you put your mind to it.  Promise me not to give up on naps before you're two?  Pretty please?

I love you, little man, and look forward to the next six months with you.  I promise to hold tight to every moment I can seize.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

oh how I hope I get to know this little baby too, he sounds so precious!