Sunday, June 26, 2011

Look What I Can Do!

I am no longer pregnant!!  Ha-lle-lu-jah!!  This is not a new revelation.  I have been wallowing in the wonderful freedom of this truth every day for the last two weeks.  The first few days were discouraging, I admit.  I had high hopes for instantly feeling back to normal.  But labor and delivery is a major ordeal and with the emotional support of my strong, steady husband (read "letting me blubber and boo-hoo on his shoulder in random intervals"), I brought my expectations out of the stratosphere and tried to be patient.

Friday after Z was born, I did something to injure my neck that resulted in extremely painful headaches and very limited movement in my neck for almost a week.  That slammed me into a major wall.  The pain was getting worse instead of better.  Thanks to a combination of prayer, time, good drugs, and a couple of chiropractor visits, that pain has gone away and my neck is back to normal.

Sometime in the midst of that neck pain, I realized that I could lift my knees up to my waist.  This was monumental!  I hadn't been able to get my feet more than an inch or two off the floor during the last month of pregnancy.  I proudly walked into the living room where J was watching tv and announced, "Look what I can do!" as I high-kicked my way across the living room.  Glorious freedom of movement!  That silver lining in the thick of a black cloud was so satisfying and encouraging.  It helped me hang on to hope that recovery wouldn't take too much longer.

And it's not.  I think I'm mostly back to my pre-pregnancy self.  And that is a wonderful place to be!

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

She's not kidding about the whole "high-kicking" thing. She was soooo proud of herself. :)

And, might I add, I'm way proud of my awesome wife. Throughout her physical miseries, she managed to keep our family chugging along despite her ADD hubbie. I'm very blessed to have my best friend "back" up and running!