Thursday, September 9, 2010


Yes.  Again with the, "When did you do that?! And where was I?!  How on earth?!"
In case you can't tell, that's pencil scribbles all over the wall.  When I first saw it, I made her come and listen to my scolding about how we don't write on the walls, only on paper.  Then she peeked around the corner and showed me the other wall she had scribbled on.  I gasped in shock and she thought that was funny, so she pointed across the hall to yet another example of her artistic license.  I was speechless.

As I was supervising the scrubbing, A asked if she had ever written on the walls when she was little and I told her no, this was the first incident of misdirected art at our house.  (I'm so glad it was pencil.)  But I can say with a smile on my face that the writing's on the #2 ain't like baby #1.


CMiller said...

LOL! Magic eraser, and little butter tubs of touch up paint. Max first scribbled on a wall at about 18 mo. I used to be proud of my neat and clean walls. Now with four kiddos, I don't even try to get it off :-) I'll touch up every year or so. I DO wish I knew how to get scribbles off of limestone...and I wish I knew who did it!

keep smiling!


sa petter said...

hehe...laughing with you, not at you! i love your final thought! btw...i have read not to let babes handle magic erasers, just fyi!

Leslie said...

Be thankful, Sarah. It could be could have 2 number 2's LOL....that's what I'm figuring out these days :-)...I've got 2 number 1's. Oy vey.

What's the deal with no magic erasers for toddlers? Joey and Shiloh clean up all the time with those.