Thursday, May 13, 2010

Praise & Thanksgiving

We have great cause to celebrate at our house this week. God has answered our prayers about a significant milestone for J's work. I waited to blog about it because I didn't want to somehow jeopardize the negotiations. That either makes me really conceited, to think that my little blog reaches so far, or really paranoid, to think that the internet is that small. I tend toward the latter.

The back story is that J and his business partner have an incredible idea for a new iPhone app that has garnered the interest of an angel investor. They've spent many, many hours developing the business plan with help from a local small business incubator who was also smitten with the idea. The investor handed over a "deposit" during their first meeting. But then we hit a snag with some legal issues in a previous customer's contract. Long story short, we needed a signature in order to proceed and it was possible that the signature would be very expensive and time-consuming to secure.

After three weeks of praying for a quick, favorable answer, J got the needed signature yesterday afternoon--the same day he made the request. It did have a cost, but only a drop in the potential bucket. As a bonus, this previous customer that J was negotiating with asked to be the first customer when the new app is rolled out. Above and beyond what we could ask or imagine.

We've been praying for a long time that God would provide income in such a way that J would be able to concentrate on school full-time. We can't say for sure that this new idea will do that, but it is very promising. Having the investor's check in hand and the legal roadblocks out of the way gives us hope that God has flung this door wide open for us to run through. J had already pulled out of school for this semester and knew he would probably take off next fall as well. We'll pray now that this is enough time to get the new product up and rolling, generating revenue without much continual intervention.

So praise God with us!! This is a huge answer to prayer! We look forward to seeing how God will work it all together to make us more like Him and bring glory to Himself. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Janice Schirmer said...

this is awesome and a good reminder that He always provide for our needs and hears our prayers! rejoicing with you!!!

Janice S.