Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hawk Shoe

Some recent funnies from our eldest:

A: Mommy, pretend to be asleep so I can wake you up.
Mom: I can't really close my eyes right now because I'm feeding C her cereal. That could get messy.
A: Well, then you just have to hawk shoe.
Mom: Hmm?
A: Like this...haaawk, shooooo, haaaawk, shooo.

Dad to Mom as we approached the front door: Got your keys handy?
A (with utter disbelief and confusion): Why'd you call her Handy?

Her prayers are getting quite impressive. She thanks God for the trees and the grass, asks for more rain so the flowers (weeds) in our yard will get bigger, thanks Him for all the good things He gives us, prays for anybody we know that might be sick and a few who might be healthy. Today, at lunch time, I knew she'd been paying attention to my prayers when she added a line on behalf of Mrs. B (one of our good friends), "Please help her to be umpliant (compliant) to her children." Thank you, Father, that the Holy Spirit interprets our groanings for us.

My personal favorite has been an ongoing conversation inspired by the book "Guess How Much I Love You." She recently told me, "Mom, I love you all the way to the moon." Of course, I replied, "I love you all the way to the moon and back again." Some of her other replies to try to top mine:
-I love you all the way to the sun, then to the moon and back again.
-I love you all the way to China and then the ice cream store.
-I love you all the way to the moon, back to Thailand and across the river.

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