Sunday, October 25, 2009

Taste of Freedom

Yesterday I took the girls on a long walk in the beautiful weather to get out of the house so J could rest. I asked A if she wanted to ride her tricycle instead of sitting in the double stroller (please, please, please, don't make me push that monstrosity). Yeah, that sounded like fun! Off we went. I put C in the umbrella stroller and A pedaled her little trike. She was very obedient about staying close to the side of the road or on the sidewalk. She was even very good to stop on her own as we approached a cross street so that we could look for cars.

I got a big laugh out of her little taste of freedom though. She would pedal as fast as she could, little knees almost hitting the handlebars, singing to herself, "I can do it! I can do it! I can get far away from Mommy!" She'd give me a quick glance over her shoulder and giggle, "You're way back there." She would go as far as the next cross street, then stop and wait for me. She was obeying all our safety rules, so I just let her go. She wants to be independent so badly. Must be hard to be so grown-up in such a little body.

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