Monday, September 5, 2011

Fuller Lips Overnight

We're going house hunting again today.  Yes, we thought we had a house; but it turned out to not be the right one for our family.  So we're back to hunting.  Just a day trip, but a very long day.  So it was important that I get a good night's rest last night.

As I reached to turn off my bedside lamp last night, I saw a mosquito fly through the spotlight.  I was up and after him in an instant.  I can not stand that awful whining, buzzing in my ear or the thought of being eaten alive in the night.  I slapped at him a few times and he disappeared.  I told myself I got him.

Around 2:30 am, I awakened from a dream that included me having several mosquito bites on my neck and face.  Just the thought made me itch all over.  I got up and inspected the itchy spots in the light of the bathroom.  No bites, just a dream; go back to sleep.

Nothing doing.  I could not fall back asleep.  I tossed and turned in that weird half-dream state where you get fragments of sleep and dreams are really bizarre.  Until around 4:30 am, when I had a dream that a mosquito bit my lip and it swelled to elephant-size proportions and I had to go house hunting like that.

Only this time, my lip really was throbbing even after I woke up.  Throbbing!  I was so mad at that mosquito!!  The audacity!  Biting me on my lip as I slept!  Can you believe that?!  I went to survey the damage and sure enough, nice puffy upper lip.  Have you ever heard of such a thing?!  The good news is that you really can't tell just by looking.  I just get to have a nice, full, pouty smile for a day or two.

After applying a layer of benadryl cream as chapstick, I burrowed under the covers for the next hour just waiting to hear him coming to strike again.  I imagined him biting my ears, my nose, my fingertips clutching to the covers.  Of course I never went back to sleep.  I finally admitted defeat and went to get ready for the day.  Figured I had extra time on my hands to write a blog post about the whole ordeal.  Who did I meet in the bathroom?  Stinkin' mosquito!  I got him this time.  Teach you to ruin my sleep before a big day.

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