Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dream On

Pregnancy does crazy things to your dreams.  Really vivid, detailed dreams that you can almost feel.  The only thing that separates them from reality is the absolute nonsense mixed in.  Where does the mind find these loose ends to tie together?  A recent sampling...

I was at church and the service was wrapping up.  I was a little concerned because I had asked the nursery to text me when the baby was ready to eat and they hadn't sent me a message yet.  When I arrived to pick up the baby, I took it in my arms cooing, "My goodness, you must be starving!"  I sat in one of the rocking chairs and proceeded to nurse my newborn kitten.  Yep, I dreamed my baby was a cat.  Even crazier?  The volunteers in the nursery thought it was perfectly normal.

Another night, I dreamed I was working at huge, global corporation for a man who was a less-than-ideal boss in real life years ago.  He decided we needed to have a company-wide celebration for something or other at the end of the week.  I was in charge of pulling together a global conference in the span of days.  The crazy part?  I sang in a gospel trio as part of the opening ceremonies.  You didn't see it, so you'll have to take my word for it....bizarro!

Then there was the dream that was obviously trying to tell me something.  I was trapped in a labyrinth ladies' locker room.  The door led immediately into a bathroom stall, but of course you never pick the first one, so I kept going.  The stalls were all linked together like a torturous maze.  Some of them were toilet stalls, some showers and some changing rooms.  You never knew who you'd walk in on.  Some of them had more than one door---aaaahhh, choices!  I just wanted to find a bathroom with a little privacy! Even crazier?  Every one I walked in on thought this was a perfectly normal way to conduct business.

This is the way God eases you into the year (or more) of sleep deprivation that accompanies pregnancy and new baby.  Humor always makes discomfort a little easier to swallow, no?


Jenny said...

hah! I always have these dreams where I'm having to pee in a bathroom that's open to the public when I need to pee really bad at night :) very similar to yours :)

SA Petter said...

uuhhh, yes it is prep for a year of sleep deprivation, but so does the needing to pee 900 times a night!! this from the lady waiting to feed 2 1/2 week old baby #4, at the age of 37, just so i can sleep for a couple of hours before we feed again, and then poof...my other 3 are up and wanting breakfast!! i don't remember 8 am coming so soon!!!